
About Bariatric Surgery

    Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery or obesity surgery involves bypassing or stapling a portion of the stomach to reduce a person's appetite.

Bariatric Surgery in India

    India has had a 100-fold increase in weight loss surgeries in the past 15 years from 200 in 2004 to more than 20000 in 2019 according to the Obesity Surgery Society of India (OSSI). Delhi, Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Tamilnadu are the leading states for performing bariatric procedures.

Maintaining a holistic approach toward the treatment of obesity and the well-being of individuals


To improve the quality of life in the obese community

To show the right path for holistic approach on obesity

To reduce to mortality and morbidity due to obesity

To give awareness to general public who are obese and what are they capable of and the power within them in this world


To improve the quality of life in the obese community.

To show the right path for holistic approach on obesity.

To reduce to mortality and morbidity due to obesity.

To give awareness to general public who are obese and what are they capable of and the power within them in this world.


Restricts food intake thereby increasing energy expenditure and gives significant weight loss.

Decreases absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines and decreases fat deposition.

Suppresses hunger, reduces appetite and enhances satiety by favourable changes in gut hormones.


Weight loss.

Resolution of type 2 diabetes & hypertension.

Increases longevity.

Improves quality of life.

Improves self confidence.
